OH Watch WhatsApp Rules

The OH Watch EXCO currently manages the OH Watch Community, consisting of the following Block Crime Groups:

  • OH Orange Crime Info
  • OH Leeuwen Crime Info
  • OH Waal Crime Info
  • OH Rugby Crime Info
  • OH Union Crime Info
  • OH Quarry Crime Info

The purpose of these crime groups is to:

  • Call for assistance in the event of a security incident taking place (note that these groups do not replace SAPS or your private security company, who should be your first call *)
  • Warn the community, Watchcom and armed response of suspicious or unusual behaviour or incidents
  • Share all things relevant to the safety of the community
  • Share relevant crime information with the community

These groups are an extension of OH Watch’s communication channels and as such are also governed by our neighbourhood watch Constitution and Code of Conduct, the mandate under which we work in conjunction with the relevant law enforcement departments. By participating in these groups you agree to abide by the Constitution and the Code of Conduct, both of which are accessible on www.ohwatch.co.za.

The OH Watch Community Admin reserves the right to remove from the above groups any individual that does not abide by the Constitution, the Code of Conduct and the Rules, as set out below.

The Rules are as follows:

  • The OH Watch Crime groups are open to residents of the OH Watch catchment area only, unless authorised by OH Watch Community Admin.
  • Keep the message short, to the point and with enough detail. You can always add more detail as the incident progresses: e.g. “Suspicious person seen in Breda Street, tall male, black jacket, hoodie – moving towards Prince Street”.
  • The location/street name and description of the person(s) or vehicle(s), licence plate number as well as a reason why the person(s) or vehicle(s) is regarded as suspicious, is important.
  • Please continue to monitor a situation from a safe distance and remain available, if possible, after you have posted to allow follow up questions from your security company, Watchcom or patrollers requesting any clarification.
  • Content shared on these groups is for group members ONLY. Content from these groups may NOT be shared with any third party unless approved by OH Watch Community Admin. Posts that contain images of the alleged perpetrator of the crime that ends up being shown to the victim or the broader public, may be to the detriment of the case.
  • Only Block Crime Group Admin may forward information on to other Block Crime Groups.
  • These Crime Groups are NOT chat groups and no personal, jokes, religious, social, political, community or other off-topic chats will be tolerated.
  • No disrespectful comments about people, law enforcement, security providers, etc. We work with them and rely on them.
  • No advertising will be permitted on these groups without the approval of the OH Watch Community Admin. This includes but is not limited to products or services related to security. Should you wish to advertise anything, contact the OH Watch Community Admin directly, who will decide whether it will be broadcast to the community or not.
  • No promotion of events will be permitted on these groups without the approval of the OH Watch Community Admin. This includes but is not limited to community building events and events related to security. Should you wish to promote an event, contact the OH Watch Community Admin directly, who will decide whether it will be broadcast to the community or not.
  • Only constructive criticism is allowed. A respectful question to clarify a situation or a friendly; constructive suggestion go a long way. A debate on various viewpoints should be taken up offline.
  • Please message OH Watch Community Admin or Block Crime Group Admin privately if you are asked to do so for feedback or if you have any concerns or suggestions. We consider ourselves a community organisation and our aim is to uplift our area and support each other.

* If the situation requires urgent emergency services, phone your private security provider first. You can also call SAPS on 10111 and Watchcom on 021 422 4222. The Watchcom operator fields phone, radio, WhatsApp and camera alerts from across the City Bowl. Please confirm and post the reference number or feedback on the group to avoid duplication. Watchcom will dispatch an armed response vehicle from FADT or CBAR in the City Bowl if they have a vehicle available. They will also contact SAPS, law enforcement, medics, fire services etc, depending on what response is required for the incident.


Call Watchcom for emergencies in the Cape Town City Bowl area only.
All calls are recorded and monitored.

Call your personal security provider (if applicable):

ADT: 086 1212 300

CBAR: 0860 15 15 15

Support us

OH Watch
First National Bank (FNB)
Gardens  201511
Account: 62212483680
Reference: Your email address

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