Street Camera Project

Studies have shown that CCTV & license plate recognition cameras (LPR) can have significant crime reduction effects, but this is highly dependent on a range of factors such as location of cameras, coordination between monitoring companies, neighbourhood watches and law enforcement agencies , camera capability and offender perception – Offenders and potential offenders should perceive that that there is a high risk of being caught should they commit a crime in the CCTV focus areas

As many streets in the OH Watch area are looking at different options to prevent crime, these being foot patrols or CCTV systems monitored by SS Management (SSM) or WatchTower, OH Watch will be working with all stakeholders to build a coordinated approach, monitoring and response capability across the area.

A key concern in relation to CCTV systems is that such systems may merely displace crime from the focal areas to other parts of the area. This is one key reason why we should be building and response capability across the entire.

The installation of CCTV systems may result in criminals wearing clothing and accessories in order to obscure their faces in an effort to avoid identification. However, the more modern CCTV systems have the capability to develop algorithms that can detect and monitor styles of dressing and suspicious behaviour as well as track vehicles across the in realtime, rather than act as a ‘record’ or crimes . It will be far more effective for systems to monitor and alert us all of suspicious activities.

All of this requires commitment from all stakeholders and budget – OH Watch relies on donations to begin to build these capabilities.

If you are interested in enquiring about joining this project, please submit the below form and we will contact you.


Call Watchcom for emergencies in the Cape Town City Bowl area only.
All calls are recorded and monitored.

Call your personal security provider (if applicable):

ADT: 086 1212 300

CBAR: 0860 15 15 15

Support us

OH Watch
First National Bank (FNB)
Gardens  201511
Account: 62212483680
Reference: Your email address

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